Garden of the Triple Alliance

Garden of the Triple Alliance (HM2CJE)

Location: Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México 06000
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 26.138', W 99° 8.338'

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 Jardin de la Triple AlianzaLa confederacion militar creada entres los pueblos prehispanicos de Tenochtitlan, Texcoco y Tlacopan (Tacuba) permitio desde 1427 alcanzar un notable desarrollo basado en sus vinculos militares politicos y economicos.Izcoatl.Serpiente de obsidiana. Autor: Jesus F. Contreras. 1866 - 1902
Procedencia: Formo parte de la colección del Museo Nacional de la Artilleria. Autorrelieve en bronce. 1888-1889 360 X 225 cms. Gobernante mexica que de 1423 a 1440 libero a su pueblo del señorio de Azcapotzalco y dio inicion a la fase de expansión y conquista mexica. Nezahualcoyotl.Coyote de ayuno o Coyote hambriento. Autor: Jesus F. Contreras. 1866-1902 Procedencia: Formo parte de la colección del Museo Nacional de la Artilleria. Autorrelieve en bronce. 1888-1889 360 X 225 cms.Gobernante de Texcoco que de 1431 a 1472 reorganizo las leyes y la administración de su pueblo propiciando un gran florecimiento económico y cultural. Famoso también por sus poemas.
Totoquihuatzin.Entrada de aves. Autor: Jesus F. Contreras. 1866-1902

Procedencia: Formo parte de la colección del Museo Nacional de la Artilleria. Autorrelieve en bronce. 1888-1889 360 X 225 cms.Gobernante del Señorio de Tlacopan (Tacuba) que, junto con Izcoatl y Nezahualcoyotl, planeo y logro la unión de Tenochtitlan, Texcoco y Tacuba, "La Triple Alianza." Fue autor de various poemas.

English translation:Garden of the Triple AllianceThe military confederation of 1427 created among the pre-Hispanic peoples of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan (Tacuba), which allowed them to achieve remarkable development based on their political, economic and military ties. Izcoatl. Obsidian Snake.Author: Jesus F. Contreras. 1866 - 1902 Origin: Part of the collection of the National Museum of Artillery. Bronze relief. 1888-1889 360 X 225 cms. Mexica leader that from 1423 to 1440 liberated his people from the dominion of Azcapotzalco and began the phase of Mexica expansion and conquest.
Nezahualcoyotl. Fasting Coyote Hungry Coyote. Author: Jesus F. Contreras. 1866 - 1902 Origin: Part of the collection of the National Museum of Artillery. Bronze relief. 1888-1889 360 X 225 cms.Ruler of Texcoco that from 1431 to 1472 reorganized the laws and the administration of his town propitiating a great economic and cultural expansion.

He is also famous for his poems.
Totoquihuatzin. Entrance of Birds. Author: Jesus F. Contreras. 1866 - 1902 Origin: Part of the collection of the National Museum of Artillery. Bronze relief. 1888-1889 360 X 225 cms. Ruler of Tlacopan (Tacuba) who, together with Izcoatl and Nezahualcoyotl, planned and achieved the union of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tacuba, "The Triple Alliance." He was the author of various poems.
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Date Added Sunday, October 21st, 2018 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 485412 N 2149036
Decimal Degrees19.43563333, -99.13896667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 26.138', W 99° 8.338'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 26' 8.2800000000001" N, 99° 8' 20.28" W
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near S/N Calle de Filomeno Mata, Ciudad de México Ciudad de México 06000, MX
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